1. A riding hat - this must be up to the current safety standards as dictated by the British Horse Society.  If you arrive in your own hat and it doesn’t meet current standards then you will not be allowed to ride in it. If you do not have your own hat you may borrow one of ours but if you plan on becoming a regular rider then you should purchase your own.  A great place to shop is Robinson’s Equestrian in Malton where they will find the best fitting hat for the rider.
  2. Boots – all riders should must wear specifically designed riding boots, be they jodhpur boots or long boots.  Hiking boots, wellies and trainers are not acceptable and you will not be allowed to ride in them.  Again, Robinsons in Malton is a great place to buy your boots.
  3. NO SHORTS!!!!! Long trousers must be worn by riders, no shorts or skirts and tights.  If you do not have jodhpurs or riding breeches then jogging bottoms or leggings are appropriate, You should avoid wearing jeans as the seams can rub.
  4. Riders should wear a top that at the very least covers their shoulders, no vest or strappy tops are permitted.
  5. Long hair should be tied back at the nape of the neck in a bobble, hair bands, clips and grips should be removed prior to putting on a riding hat.
  6. Jewellery needs to be removed prior to arrival at Friars Hill Stables, If your child has recently had their ears pierced and cannot remove their earrings, please cover the stud earrings with either plasters or micropore taps before you arrive.
  7. Please note that clients attending in unsuitable clothing will be declined the opportunity to ride to preserve client safety.  No refunds will be given for this.